Friday, December 14, 2012

I Come from the Land Down Under

About 4:00 on a Friday sitting in Dayton staring at a suitcase I have probably packed and repacked at least 5-7 times; if only Saturday afternoon will get here faster! My family and I are about to embark on what seems to be our last family vacation as a whole to far away Australia.  Now that my brother and I are older and moved out, it is increasingly difficult to get everyone in the same place at one time, which is why I am thankful I am about to spend a month with the people I am closest to.  BUT AUSTRALIA. WOW, THAT'S FAR.  A whole 16 hours separating me from the east coast of the US, but I'm ready.  Maybe not as ready for the bazillion hour plane ride or wearing the same clothes for three days, but ready to experience the outback.

It always makes me smile that my family travel to the most amazing places in the world, yet we do it in the weirdest ways.  In Cannes, in the Southern France, we were on the private beaches with bottle service and oysters for days, where when we got back to the apartment we were staying at, we were all in the same room sleeping on the floor in a line.  Morocco, a completely different experience.  We lived that country how people in Morocco actually live.  No toilets, scarce clean water, buying food from markets, and staying in people's homes.  Honestly, I wouldn't trade any of these experiences for anything in the world.  Travel is something that no one can ever take away, and with my move to Scotland looming over the whole family, it's great to have an amazing experience before I set off next fall.

On to lighter things:  How can I prepare myself for Australia? Besides playing Down Under by Men at Work  on repeat (Get ready for the desert dance scene remake..), I'm not too sure.  SHRIMP ON THE BARBIE WITH SOME VEGEMITE AND GETTING PROPER PISSED!?  I've been practicing my accent and brushing up on episodes of Summer Heights High, Angry Boys, and We Can Be Heros.  CHRIS LILLEY I'M COMING FOR YAH.

So this post is a bit boring, sorry for the nostalgic beginning and I'm sure the next post will have to address Moroccans going through airport security.  Ya'll have to arrive two hours before an international flight? Child's play. WE'LL BE THERE FOUR HOURS AHEAD AND BARELY MAKE OUR PLANE.  Damn you last name.

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