Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Traveling Woes, Sydney, and The Armpit of Australia: Alice Springs

So far, six hours seems like an eternity. Don't even remember those days when I was in grade school at sat through classes for six hours straight. Only five hours to kill in LA and fourteen hours on the next plane.. should be interesting

Updated: I've officially decided that plane rides over 8 hours aren't that bad. When traveling to France or Italy the plane ride is about 7-8 hours and you attempt to sleep the whole time and just end up getting 2 hours of semi shitty sleep, but being stuck on a plane for 14 hours, you have all this time to attempt to get sleep so instead of totaling like barely any sleep, you have nothing to do but sleep, so it forces you to sleep 6 hours at least. Unless you have a Chatty Cathy next to you who thinks that it's necessary that you hear their whole life story. On the plane from LA to Sydney I have the glorious isle seat with an Australia girl next to me. She kind of reminded me of myself when I'm pretending to care about other peoples lives. Asking really irrelevant with a huge smile on her face, but then I realized that everyone converses like that, so many people here are just nice, or I'm an extremely interesting person. But my philosophy on a plane is all I want to do is pop a few bars of xanax and pass out and have no recollection of the flight, so thankfully she had her conversational outlet with the African guy next to her. Since the flight was so uneventful, I can entertain you with his life story, that I reheard every time the girl next t me went to the bathroom:
So I can't pronounce or spell his name. Actually I don't even remember it, but it was complicated. He's from somewhere.. shit I actually don't remember anything (shows how much I remember things from conversations..) BUT THE INTERESTING PART WAS he's dating some girl who lives in Russia who looks like a model and HE ORDERED HER OFFLINE. She's being shipped to LA extremely soon and they are getting married. So anyway I thought that was weird and a fun thing to share.
Anyways, it's like hour 12 and I can no longer feel my lower body, pretty sure I'm paralyzed from the waist down. That was it. The last experience I would have walking would be down the isle of a Delta flight. We could barely stand up because we were flying through a typhoon that hit Fiji. So bad the girl next to me asked if she could use my barf bag because her seat didn't have one. Finally that nightmare was over and I was surprised my legs worked and we walked off the plane onto Australia soil.
The lack of customs security shocked me. We literally walked right out without consulting with any officers (I guess we just look like trustworthy Moroccans?) I could've had a suitcase full of stinkbugs getting ready to infest Australia and they would have had no idea. Amateurs.
The best way to beat jet lag (apparently) is to just blaze on through the day without stopping, so that's basically what we did. We walked around Sydney and made a last minute decision to go to the zoo. The Sydney Zoo was interesting. Most the animals were like weird rat mutants. I'm pretty sure I've seen most of those animals in the Metro and Subways. Oh, this in a Plains Rat, it lives in the plains and eats.. sand? WOW LOOKS JUST LIKE MOUSE I TOOK OUT OF THE TRAP IN MY ATTIC THREE DAYS AGO. And this is a long spotted tail rat that is native to the outback of Australia... Looks like the inbred rats I've seen in the Newark, NJ train station with like some awkward discolored tail and only three legs with eight toes. Gross. The kangaroos were cute though, honestly I thought they'd be bigger and they weren't really hopping, just laying there not giving any fucks. The gorillas were cool, but there was no fence or glass to separate us from them. All I could think of was the prequel to Planet of the Apes (I forget the name.. the one with James Franco) and how they are all probably abused and they were going to revolt an attack me and rip my face off. Which would be such a shame, for everyone. OH ALSO. I think that people in Australia think that Dinosaurs are still around.. somewhere... because they had more exhibits of fake plastic dinosaurs moving than actual animals. AND they were honestly attracting the most attention. Like don't people realize that there's a live Asian Elephant over there yet they are staring at some T-Rex imitation that looks like it was
shipped over to Australia after it broke down one too many times at Universal Studios in the 90s?
Updated part duex:
Later that night after spending sometime at the bar down the corner I was literally about to pass out since I hadn't slept in about 48 hours. So we all went back to the hotel and crashed. JUST IN TIME FOR OUR 7AM WAKE UP CALL TO ALICE SPRINGS.
Alice Springs. What can be said about this town that is literally the creepiest place I have ever seen? The flight there was not bad. It kind of reminded me of how flights used to be in the 20s or something with the flight attendants like actually giving you service instead of ol' Sherri-Lynn throwing stale pretzels at your face while spilling your water (which you asked for no ice, yet it's 70% ice) all over your white shirt while shes bitching about her divorce to the other flight attendant constantly ramming the cart into your elbow. This Quantas flight was different. It was SERVICE. But, what did freak me out with that no one checked my passport.. ever. Like no one gave a shit who we were and where we were going. They let the Moroccans on the plane with no questions asked, and this my friends, was a first. Whilst being slightly freaked out about the airport security, we made it through the 3 hour flight with a grand selection of in-flight movies. The only downside was almost vomiting on the descend, and the fact that when we got there, my brother's bag didn't arrive (Oops). At least they gave him Quantas brand boxers and tshirt. (Yay, consolation prize, THANKS FOR PLAYING)
So we roll up in this town, seem quaint enough, my first reaction was that it looked like a frontier town that you would find in some 6th grade field trip to the "Old Wild West". But as we approached the area, the Aboriginals, or indigenous Australians, seemed to be loitering all around the town and acting really strange around us. Now some background information from my Anthropology class this past semester:
Apparently, the Aboriginal people were heavily prosecuted by the white Australians and they were sent to work camps and hunted down and mistreated, like usual colonial stories. However, this JUST ended in 1970 (de facto.. it probably went well into the 80s AND they were only allowed to vote in like 1969) so there is still all this tension between the whites and the Aboriginal people. And you can sense it. Tension so thick you can cut it with an authentic Australian boomerang with a knife attached. Basically, it's like Mississippi, the deep dirty south where everyone is STILL semi-racist.
So Alice Springs is deserted, except all these Aboriginal people kind of just sitting there. Like a ghost town. And it was creepy. And it never rains. But it rained today. A lot.
So we got out of town as fast as we could. The employees at the hotel told us not to go into town at night. I felt as if when the sun goes down all the Aboriginal people turn into zombies and hunt the flesh of tourists, and I AM NOT prepared whatsoever for a zombie apocalypse. I guess we'll see what happens in Alice Springs on December 21st. (lolz)
So currently I am hiding out in the room until tomorrow when we leave this shithole and go to Ayers Rock for some good old fashioned outback hiking! GIDDY UP.

Sorry for the long post, I can only post when I have reliable wifi and enough time to express my true feelings. Also I apologize for any spelling of grammar mistakes. I am not about to proofread this shit. AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT.

G'Day Mates!

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